Salutations, tous! Greetings! My name is Li Yang, and I just joined this adult live cam site. I'm counting on you to be my rock as I learn the ropes and am grateful for your unwavering support. Please understand if there are any interruptions to the live broadcast since the internet in mainland China is known to be unreliable. We can discuss anything and anything here—hobbies, sexual urges, you name it—and I couldn't be happier to meet some new wicked pals. It has been an incredible experience to see my following grow to more than 300! Because of this, I feel a deep connection to Earth. Please visit my website to begin an exciting voyage into our secret lives; discussing sex is second nature to me, and if you are curious about my looks or would want to see video clips I have made for my fans, you are welcome. By the way, my profile page now has a few of explicit videos that I created. Step right up by signing up for SWAG Live's free membership and we'll handle the rest.